Friday, July 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Sagun

Happy Birthday Sagun

Each day I know that I am blessed,
Whenever I think of you.
A special angel sent by God,
It shows in all you do.

I can share my joys and sorrows.
Know you're always there.
To have an understanding heart,
And show that you do care.

It's so nice to have a daughter,
That also is a friend.
Someone to laugh and talk with
And with the day to spend.

My heart is full of love and pride,
For you my daughter dear.
And I wish you Happy Birthday!
With love that's so sincere.

Celebrating on 1st August....

Monday, July 5, 2010

I Miss You Always.....

A daughters love is like God sending me a gift from the heavens above, she is not only my daughter but my best friend. I am lucky enough to have that special daughter. I was blessed with that gift, thank you God for giving her to me.

Mom Always Miss You Sagun.............